HTTPS Monitor – HTTPS Monitoring with Domotz

2 min

HTTPS Monitoring – Monitoring Website Content

We have been working heavily on the cloud monitoring features available on Domotz. We recently added an HTTPS monitor for website content. 

Our HTTPS Monitor helps you check up on the websites and web pages you manage. 

You can use our HTTPS monitor to get the response code, page load time, and extract content. Moreover, our HTTPS monitor helps you ensure optimal website performance. 

HTTPS Monitor

Our HTTPS monitor enables you to monitor the content of any HTTP or HTTPS website pages. You can monitor PHP, HTML, JSON content, and other formats.

Here’s what you can do with the feature:

  • Check Page load times
  • Check the HTTPS status code of pages
  • Create custom HTTPS requests and posts
  • Extract content and check if it can be extracted

Who needs to monitor website content?

Many Sys Admins, IT professionals, and MSPs manage website performance. And that’s why we added an HTTPS monitor to our network monitoring software. 

This new website content monitoring feature helps you stay on top of the websites you manage and ensure the best possible performance. 

How our HTTPS Monitor works

We provide you with an example driver which you can easily customize. This driver enables you to extract information from single or multiple pages.

Using this functionality, you can extract any data you want or need from a website, single page, or multiple pages. This data is removed and reported directly in Domotz. Our HTTPS monitor leverages the custom drivers framework available on Domotz. 

To enable the custom integration for generic HTTP/HTTPS-based content monitoring, open the WebApp and follow a few easy steps:

  1. From the left menu, click “Integration” and then on the tab “Custom Integration
  2. Clicking on “Create a new driver” will open a window where you need to choose the “Driver name” and the “Driver description”
    For example, “HTTP based Content” as a Driver name and a brief description of the purpose for this integration (e.g., “Extract H1 subject from the Feature page”).
  3. Copy the content of the generic_monitoring.js scripts from the example in the driver code area (the space for the code)
  4. Apply the Custom Integration to a generic device. The driver will create a table with a row/entry for monitoring every content.

Get our HTTPS monitor driver example code: Generic_monitoring.js  

SSL Certificate Monitoring

We’ve all been to a website with an expired SSL certificate which generates an ample warning. That’s never fun, is it? A better way to do things is to monitor for expiring SSL certificates before it happens.

An HTTPS and SSL monitor can help ensure everything is up and running and alert you when the SSL certificate expires.  

Alongside HTTPS monitoring, SSL certificate monitoring is also available now through Domotz. 

SSL certificate monitoring works nicely with our HTTPS Monitor. 

Our SSL/TLS Certificate monitoring enables you to proactively monitor your websites. Here’s what you can do with it:

  • Monitor SSL/TLS Certificate validity 
  • You can monitor the SSL/TLS Certificates for all of your websites within one single table
  • Monitor SSL/TLS Certificates for each website on a different device.

Learn more about SSL certificate monitoring on Domotz.

Additional Cloud Monitoring Features

Overall, we’ve been adding more cloud monitoring features to Domotz. These features include Docker Container Monitoring, MySQL Monitoring, SSL certificate monitoring, and website content monitoring. We’ll certainly be adding even more cloud monitoring features in the months ahead. So, watch this space. 

Further reading:

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