4 minHow Abussi uses network monitoring at their MSP.
About Craig Sharp
Craig Sharp is a stakeholder and driving force behind Midlands based MSP Abussi Ltd. Founded by Craig in 1995 as a database supplier, Abussi has transitioned over 26 years from software into break-fix hardware and then into MSP services for the past 15 years.
Managing and transitioning the business over so many years has required focus and key skills such as Sales, Marketing, Account Management, Supplier Relationships and Finance. All of this has given Craig a unique perspective on how a wide range of businesses can be (better) run,
especially where they embrace IT & Cloud.
Craig believes passionately that there is a key to business success - relationships. Craig knows from experience that you claim and retain clients based upon your relationship and the best ones can be achieved within businesses where those relationships can be grown.
Most importantly Craig has a passion to educate and inform. Leaving university to be a teacher
because of his overwhelming desire to impart knowledge to others has never left - it informs the way Craig talks to clients about new services which will transform their business or in how he puts across the benefits to clients of updating business processes with an emphasis on IT.