The Top 5 Benefits of Network Monitoring Softwares

3 min

MSP Perspective: The Top 5 Benefits of Network Monitoring Softwares

So… being responsible for many devices on a client network is challenging, right? Any of those devices could be up or down on a given day, and you want to keep track of them easily with minimal work, correct? When you started your business, you could keep that information in your head and recall it on demand, but as you’ve grown, there’s too much to remember, plus your staff needs to know that information quickly.

Why not explore the benefits of a Network Monitoring solution, but one that’s easy to use, offers enormous levels of device detail, and represents excellent value?

In this Blog, I’ll outline the top 5 reasons why using Network Monitoring Softwares benefits your business, especially working with Domotz.

I’m sharing this information as an MSP owner of over 25yrs. I’ve been using Domotz at my MSP business, Abussi Ltd. For the last couple of years, and have found it to be an invaluable tool and of great value to our business.

If you’re monitoring or trying to visualize the IP devices under your management, you don’t want different portals and screens for each client or site.

Network Monitoring tools like Domotz present your client base in a single portal, broken down into clients or client sites and with clear information regarding devices UP or DOWN. These tools will also be picking out devices you’ve marked as CRITICAL.

Information is presented to you or your team in one place so you can see at a glance if issues need attention. This allows you to resolve issues quickly, adding value to your service.

When talking to new prospects, it’s essential to know how many devices they want managed or monitored, where these devices are, and details about the device (laptop, printer, network switch, etc.). 

With Domotz, you can place a small Domotz Box onto a client’s network during your initial visit and let it collect and present all of this information and more in your web portal. This ensures you have all the awareness of devices on a new LAN before you create a quote or formally accept the opportunity.

No matter what level of service you provide, any IT / MSP provider will be judged on their awareness of issues on a client’s LAN, followed by the speed of notifying & resolving the problem. With Domotz Network Monitoring tools, you can see from the portal any issues which occur, but more importantly, you can set proactive monitoring alerts to be warned immediately.

These could be devices DOWN, new devices, or the network not performing correctly. All this information is critical to ensuring you give your clients the best possible service.

Domotz will tell you about specific devices on the LAN in great detail. Still, it will also tell you about Open Ports or security risks, monitor network performance at 15 min intervals, and provide a graphical map of the network topology.

This level of detail will allow you to offer much more value to your clients over time, showing them that you’re looking out for LAN security threats while closing any loopholes; highlighting problems with their internet service by presenting accurate graphs of performance over the past 1, 3 or 6 months; and helping identify rogue switches and access points which create bottlenecks on the LAN.

Domotz will provide information and facts about your client’s network, which can be vital in negotiations about fee increases or why you’re looking after devices not originally part of your agreement. If you find devices on the LAN that are not covered, then you can use Domotz’s reporting to show your client that they’re ‘Out of Scope’ and should be charged.

You can also use Domotz to help in your quarterly reviews to highlight the extent of their network and the management functions you’re completing for them each day, week, and month.

Conclusion on the Network Monitoring Softwares Benefits

Few IT / MSP network monitoring softwares bring as much vital information to you, the IT consultant, as Domotz Network Monitoring does, but for a such tremendous value.

These five benefits are just a small number of the overall value having a tool like Domotz can add to your IT / MSP business.

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