Domotz news from Q3 (July-September) 2022

4 min

Latest Improvements to Our Network Monitoring Software

A lot can happen in three months – at Domotz, we’re constantly tweaking and adding features to make our network monitoring software the most powerful and user-friendly interface. 

From navigation improvements and added security features to custom integrations and exciting partnerships, here’s everything we’ve been working on!

For this quarter, Domotz news could be divided into three main groups:

  1. Monitoring and Integration options
  2. Navigation Improvements
  3. Improved features

1. Monitoring and Integration options

I. We’ve partnered with NETGEAR

The first Domotz news is relatively recent. In September, we partnered with NETGEAR. Users can now access advanced NETGEAR integrations for managed switches, the Orbi Pro Wi-Fi System, and insight-based wireless access points.

We aim to be your all-in-one network monitoring software. With the NETGEAR partnership, you’ll get more visibility and control over your devices and networks. 

You’ll be able to access advanced functionality, including:

  • End-point management
  • Power management
  • Network configuration management
  • Remote access
  • Managed switch port management
  • Backup and restoration

This last point is especially crucial if something goes wrong. Our system allows you to spot errors before they negatively impact you or your customers, allowing you to fix them immediately remotely.

II. Monitor SSL/TLS Certificates

The second Domotz news is related to our Custom Integrations. Using our custom integration framework, you can monitor the status of your SSL/TLS certificates across all of your websites in one table view. With it, you can:

  • Monitor the status and validity of multiple certificates
  • Check to see when your new certificate needs to be issued
  • View the certificate expiry date 
  • Check for certificate errors

You can use two drivers with custom integrations to monitor the validity of single or multiple websites from the same table. You will find the SSL/TLS Certificates driver codes in our library. Just use the drivers, or customize them to fit your needs.

III. OS Monitoring data within custom Monitoring Tables

After our update in July, you can add details from multiple OS monitoring sensors in custom monitoring tables. You can add the following sensors to a single dashboard:

  • Operating system
  • Logical disks
  • Memory
  • Physical disks
  • Virtual machines
  • Hardware sensors

To unlock devices to enable these sensors, head to ‘Inventory’ and ‘Insights’. You’ll even get to view how many devices have these sensors available.

IV. Added Dell OS6 network configuration management

Basically, we’ve introduced monitoring of Dell OS6 switches into our network monitoring software. You can automatically back up configuration files, and track configuration changes over time. Helpfully, our software can alert you if there’s a misalignment between startup and runtime configurations, too. 

V. Added more SNMP and TCP sensors

Eventually, you can now monitor many SNMP and TCP sensors on our standard plans and booster packs.

  • Standard plan: 900 sensors per agent, up from 300 sensors per agent
  • Booster pack: 7500 sensors per agent, up from 1500 per agent

VI. New MySQL server monitoring

Last but not least for this section is proactive monitoring with MySQL, the most popular Open Source Relational Database Management System. With our custom integration, you can now monitor MySQL servers. For databases hosted on Linux servers, you can add a custom integration and create a new driver to begin monitoring MySQL database metrics, for instance:

  • Status and version
  • Memory usage
  • Average queries per second
  • Uptime
  • Historical data

2. Navigation Improvements

I. Improvednavigation in ‘Inventory’ section

Additionally, the ‘Inventory’ section (previously called ‘Manage’) offers a more intuitive experience:

  • Sites and Device Navigation: You can filter sites and devices with a single click on the filters at the top of the page.
  • Breadcrumbs: to simplify navigating your sites and devices, there are ‘breadcrumbs’ that show your journey, allowing you to click back to the original page easily.
  • Online device view: In the devices tab, click to filter by online devices only.
  • Save previous filters: Filters and sorting options are now saved at the browser level for future use.

II. New Organizations option

We’ve expanded the ‘Inventory’ section to continue as the best network monitoring software for multi-tenants. Now, you can add an ‘Organization’ and assign your Sites (Domotz Agents) to them, simplifying multi-tenant management. 

You can choose which Organization each of your sites belongs to and add contacts for each. 

Eventually, you’ll be able to track site status and which organizations have sites that need attention.

III. Restored Legacy ‘All Agents’ view

Above the ‘Inventory’ section, you can find the Sites Explorer section. It allows you to see the status of your Sites at-a-glance to determine which needs your further attention. Another essential feature is that thanks to the site explorer, the user can navigate within each site hierarchically.

3. Improved Features

I. New Pre-configured SNMP sensors

Another news from Domotz is that we’ve introduced Pre-configured templates for SNMP sensors to simplify monitoring variables. With it, you can extract various data across all network switches.

For ease of use, you can view the data in graph or table format, including, but not limited to:

  • Inbound traffic
  • Inbound errors
  • Operational status
  • Physical MAC address

These templates provide an at-a-glance comparison of all variables, making monitoring much easier across ports and sites.

II. New session duration setting for SAML/SSO

Security is a top priority. With this in mind, we’ve added a new feature for SAML/SSO to allow you to configure a session duration for authentication tokens. 

Shortly, this means you can set a predetermined timeout that begins when a user is last active on the system. Once the time elapses, a user will need to log in again via the SAML/SSO authentication. 

In Summary

Our network monitoring software is ever-evolving to help you track changes, errors, and variables.

To summarize, here’s what we’ve added and changed most recently:

  • Added integration for Orbi Pro, insight WAPs, and managed switches
  • Monitoring for SSL/TLS certificates, OS data, and MySQL servers
  • Added Dell OS6 network configuration management
  • Added more SNMP and TCP sensors
  • Navigation improvements to the ‘Inventory’ and ‘Sites Explorer’ sections
  • Added pre-configured templates for SNMP sensors
  • Added a session duration option for SAML/SSO

Think you could benefit from network management software? Learn more on our Know Your Networks blog, and sign up for our email newsletter!

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