Looking for the best IT Memes on the web? Look no further. You’ve come to the right article. We’ve curated a list of the top 30 IT Memes to make you laugh.
They have become the new form of jokes for some time now. You don’t have to look far to see new Memes every day. Additionally, we also see more of them are increasingly representative of unique situations we face or phrases we say.
The History of Memes
Surprisingly, Memes didn’t start with the internet. Did you know that? We sure didn’t.
Humans have used “memes” to communicate for centuries. They are known as conduits for cultural conversations and an opportunity to participate in internet trends.
Webster’s New World College Dictionary defines a meme as “a concept, belief, or practice conceived as a unit of cultural information that may be passed on from person to person, subject to influences in a way analogous to natural selection.”
Saint Hoax (popular meme creator) defines a meme as a piece of media repurposed to deliver a cultural, social, or political expression, mainly through humor.
Following, find ingredients for a good meme.
Why IT Memes and Jokes?
These simple images or GIFs allow people working in a highly technical field to vent and laugh, even when their work is serious and important.
IT Memes and jokes provide a way for people working in a highly technical field to vent and laugh, even when their work is profound and important.
They can be a great way to have fun and relieve some of the stress that a challenging job entails.
Of course, we should be careful and take our responsibilities seriously. But it does mean that it’s okay to have a sense of humor and not take ourselves too seriously, even when working on important projects.
Where to find funny IT Memes
You can find funny jokes and memes about IT and the tech industry in many places. Some popular sources are, for instance:
- Firstly, Social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok often have communities and subchannels dedicated to IT jokes and memes.
- Secondly, Online forums and discussion boards, such as those on websites like Stack Overflow and Quora, can be a great source.
- Lastly, IT-specific websites and blogs may feature jokes and memes to add fun to their content.
Of course, it’s important to remember that not all of them are appropriate for all audiences, so be mindful of this when sharing IT jokes and memes with your colleagues or online.
Best IT Memes and Jokes
Finally, we’ve drawn up a list of some of our favorite IT Memes. You won’t want to miss it in our opinion.
#1. When you have to explain what a firewall is

#2. SNMP Love Story

#3. How to Use ChatGPT

#4. Somebody’s hungry

#5. When management wants to implement QoS

#6. The job comes with benefits

#7. Do you want a working computer?

#8. When you learn to bend reality


#10. We actually want to see this

#11. When you want a network to withstand high-pressure data

#12. Well, I gave it my best effort …

#13. You’re very welcome!

#14. Always be honest

#15. Trust the Team Lead

#16. Don’t worry, little bug!

#17. The moment before the end

#18. Pointers are easy!

#19. Customer is always right

#20. I am the One

#21. How many are in this situation?

#22. The usual process

#23. Pay attention!

#24. Put It In The Backlog

#25. Network speed-check

#26. Old But Good

#27. Agile or not Agile?

#28. Programmer and AI

#29. Experience is everything

#30. The end of a Scrum meeting

#31. Debugging code be like
#32. Secret life (and tears) of a developer

#33. UX didn’t go as expected

#34. Find out the differences

#35. Programmers’ life

#36. Surprise, surprise

#37. In case you don’t understand, the keyword is “Practice”

#38. To release or not to release?

#39. Midnight doubts

#40. Daily workflow

Best IT memes and jokes – final say
Next time you come across an IT meme that makes you laugh, don’t be afraid to share it with your colleagues. Just remember to keep it in perspective and not take yourself too seriously. After all, even the most important work can be a little more enjoyable when approaching it with a sense of humor.
Further readings: