Best Practices for Developing a Strong Cloud Network Security Strategy

5 min

In the era of digital transformation, the adoption of cloud computing has skyrocketed, offering organizations scalability, flexibility, and efficiency benefits. However, this shift has also introduced new challenges and complexities in maintaining robust network security.

Developing a strong cloud network security strategy is paramount to protect sensitive data, ensure compliance with regulatory standards, and safeguard against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. This article outlines best practices for crafting a comprehensive cloud network security strategy that can help organizations navigate the complexities of cloud security with confidence.

In this article, we’ll discuss the following:

Like cloud security, cloud network security also known as cloud computing security, refers to a broad set of policies, technologies, applications, and controls utilized to protect virtualized IP, data, applications, services, and the associated infrastructure of cloud computing. It’s a sub-discipline of computer security, network security, and, more broadly, information security.

Cloud network security aims to keep your data, applications, and everything else tucked away in the cloud as safe and secure as if they were right there in your in-house IT setup. In other words, this can include protecting data from theft, deletion, and leakage, ensuring compliance with industry regulations, and defending against cyber threats.

Cloud network security measures might include the use of encryption, intrusion detection systems, firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and other techniques to create a secure cloud-based networking environment. These measures help to mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats, data breaches, and other vulnerabilities inherent in cloud computing.

Despite the sophistication of cloud security, you should develop a comprehensive and robust cloud security strategy to protect your client’s data.

Here are six of the best practices you should consider:

#1 Cloud security as a shared responsibility#4 Backup and test disaster recovery
#2 Robust access controls#5 Network security controls
#3 Data encryption#6 Cloud Service Providers

#1 Cloud security as a shared responsibility

If you are an MSP or an IT Professional, it’s crucial to understand and share with your clients who does what. Usually, the cloud service providers secure the underlying infrastructure, but MSPs protect the data they place in the cloud.

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the services and security measures your cloud service provider offers. Ensure you know their updates,  recommendations, and best practices. Then use this information to strengthen your MSP security practices.

However, you should remember that protecting your customers’ data is mainly in your hands. Be sure to implement robust controls to monitor your network for suspicious activities. Proactively addressing security responsibilities will enable you to offer your customers a secure and reliable cloud environment.

#2 Robust access controls

Implementing strong access controls forms the bedrock of a robust cloud security strategy. Use Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define and manage individual network users’ roles and access privileges.

Couple IAM with multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of protection, ensuring that users verify their identity through multiple means before gaining access. Remember to assign access privileges based on the least privilege principle, giving users the minimum access levels needed to perform their jobs.

This least privilege approach minimizes the risk of internal threats and accidental breaches.

You should regularly review user access privileges, ensuring they align with job functions, and promptly revoke access when no longer needed.

#3 Data encryption

Encryption is your last line of defense. If a cybercriminal bypasses all your other security measures, encrypted data remains protected. Encryption converts readable data into a coded version only authorized parties can decode.

As an MSP, encrypt all sensitive data at rest and in transit. When data is “at rest,” it’s stored in databases, archives, or other storage within the cloud. When data is “in transit,” it moves from one location to another, like from user devices to the cloud.

Consider using your CSP’s native encryption solutions or third-party tools as required. Coupled with strong key management practices, encryption ensures that even if data falls into the wrong hands, it remains indecipherable and useless.

#4 Backup and test disaster recovery

Accidents happen. Hardware fails, people make mistakes, and cyber-attacks occur. To protect your customers’ data, regularly back it up in a separate, secure location.

But don’t stop there. Periodically test your disaster recovery plans to ensure they work when needed. Testing highlights potential shortcomings in the recovery plan, allowing you to make necessary amendments before a real disaster strikes.

Discovering and fixing problems during a planned test is better than during a real disaster. Remember, your customers rely on you to quickly restore their operations following a disaster.

#5 Network security controls

Utilize a range of network security controls to protect your cloud environment. Firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), and virtual private networks (VPNs) are critical components. Additionally, consider the deployment of cloud-native security solutions like cloud access security brokers (CASBs), which provide visibility, compliance, data security, and threat protection across cloud services.

Implement detection and prevention controls as crucial components of any robust cloud security strategy. These controls help you identify and mitigate potential security threats and breaches, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data stored in the cloud. 

Detection controls include real-time monitoring, intrusion detection systems, and log analysis. 

Prevention controls, on the other hand, focus on implementing preventive measures to identify, monitor, and address any weaknesses in the system before they occur. You can enhance your prevention using access controls, encryption, and vulnerability management to reduce the risk of security incidents proactively. 

By combining effective detection and prevention controls, your MSP can establish an effective defense mechanism to safeguard your cloud infrastructure and data from potential cyber threats.

#6 Partner with Reputable Cloud Service Providers

The security of your cloud network also depends on the security measures implemented by your Cloud Service Provider (CSP). 

Partner with reputable CSPs that offer robust security features and compliance certifications. Understand the shared responsibility model of cloud security, where security responsibilities are divided between the CSP and the client, and ensure you fulfill your part.

In the context of strengthening your cloud network security, a network monitoring solution like Domotz can play a pivotal role. 

Domotz is a comprehensive network monitoring and management solution that can significantly bolster your cloud network security strategy. Here is how Domotz can help:

Network Infrastructure and Visibility
Domotz provides real-time network infrastructure and visibility into your network, allowing you to monitor and manage all connected devices from a central dashboard. This visibility is crucial for detecting unauthorized devices or suspicious activities that could indicate a security breach. 
New Device Discovery and Classification
Domotz also offers advanced features such as asset discovery and classification and new device security events, and network performance monitoring. These features enable organizations to promptly identify and respond to potential security threats, ensuring that their cloud environments remain secure. 
Network Security Scans
Domotz helps you receive real-time alerts when a new device joins the network. This way, you can detect intruders and identify potential network security vulnerabilities. What’s more, you will be informed if there is any potential threat, so you can decide whether to acknowledge that threat.
Vendor-backed Integrations
Domotz’s ability to integrate with a wide range of security tools and platforms means that it can seamlessly complement your existing security infrastructure, enhancing your overall security posture.

As you navigate this journey, let Domotz be your partner in progress. Our network monitoring software provides full visibility and control over your customers’ networks and IT assets. By proactively monitoring the network, you can fortify your cloud security posture and prevent potential cyber threats before they cause significant damage.

Check out our blog post about cloud network monitoring applications or find the full list of Cloud and Application Monitoring integrations.


In today’s hyper-connected world, securing your customers’ data in the cloud is not just an obligation. It’s the foundation of trust in your MSP business. These best practices can help you build a strong, robust, and adaptable cloud security strategy that aligns with the evolving threat landscape.

Further reading:

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