Internet of Things 2017 Forecast: Cyber Security, Cyber Insurance, and Digital Life Monitoring

2 min

“By 2020, there will be 50 billion connected devices around the world.” (Gartner)

2017 IoT Predictions

Every year we hear that more devices are entering our lives and how thing’s are gradually shifting in our homes to digital. In 2020, it’s expected that 500 billion devices could be alive on the planet.

The team at Domotz (execs, sales people, network experts etc.) have all put their heads together and come up with the top Internet of Things trends we expect to see more of in 2017. Below is our Internet of Things forecast and predictions for 2017.

Voice Control/Artificial Intelligence

Voice control will be one of the biggest growing trends to impact smart home products because it can deliver a seamless user experience.

Device Monitoring and Management

There will be a greater need for more Support for the growing number of IoT devices we all own and use. People’s “personal digital life” will become a greater topic/something which needs to be managed and cared for.

Increased Cyber Protection

More software systems will include automated features that check for risks of being hacked. These features which aim to protect end users from home hackers and deliver awareness about potential risks

Innovative Security Features

Consumers want more awareness about everything that is happening in their home network. Some will be in a strategic position to deliver these features because of their existing relationships with consumers and knowledge about home network infrastructure. Those already trusted by homes will have the opportunity to extend their services beyond remote maintenance to new services like security monitoring and cyber security protection. Down the road, these additional value added services could even extend to smart home insurance plans.

The Rise of Cyber Insurance

People are getting very sensitive to the potential dangers of a connected world courtesy of cyber criminals. Thus, we believe that more consumers will opt for cyber insurance packages to protect their digital life.

The Rise of Smart Home Insurance Savings

More insurance companies will reward consumers that purchase smart home technologies like: smart locks, security cams, flooding (sensors) and more. This is because customers that take measures to proactively prevent disasters are less of a liability of risk.

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